With the heat and humidity mixing up to undesirable levels in Goa, the directorate of health services has launched an awareness campaign to prevent possible cases of heat stroke in the state.
The meteorological department has already predicted that the temperatures could hit around 40 degrees Celsius in Goa and this has prompted the health authorities to advise people in the state on measures to prevent the occurrence of heat strokes in the state.
People are therefore advised to drink plenty of water, avoid tea, coffee, soda and alcohol. They should wear lightweight, loose-fitting clothing in light colours. Wearing a hat, sunglasses and carrying an umbrella is also very helpful in order to protect oneself from the sun.
Some first aid measures have also been suggested by the department such as moving the victim from the heat and getting him indoors.
The victims clothes should be loosened and he/she should be kept down lying in a cool place with the feet elevated by about 12 inches. Cold compresses can also be placed on the victim's neck, groin and armpits. The victim can also be wrapped in cool wet sheet and fanned vigorously.The patient should also be given cool water or beverages to sip ( specially with electrolyte).